A few months adopting the start of relationships, the young somebody split up

A few months adopting the start of relationships, the young somebody split up

Youngsters and you will childhood

Alena was born with the February 08, 1997 inside the Moscow. The latest girl’s dad try an accomplished entrepreneur Boris Krasnov, and her mommy was a housewife. Alena features a couple of sisters: you’re cuatro years older than their, the second reason is 13 decades more youthful. This lady is considered as the newest thus-named “golden youthfulness”.

Krasnova obtained the lady supplementary education in Moscow universities in addition to Ark-XXI college or university, one of the primary individual schools in the united states. Just like the children, Alena are engaged in gymnastics, sounds, and just have went to Alla Dukhova’s college-studio “Todes”, try selecting hockey.

Shortly after Krasnova finished regarding amounts 11, the newest girl’s parents given their to go to The united kingdomt – to locate increased degree. Yet not, Alena made a decision to stay at home and joined the RANEPA.

Individual longevity of Alena Krasnova

For the 2014, the very first time, Kras page toward kid out-of artisans Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov Nikita, clip founder and you can soloist of your own rock band MULTIVERSE. Eventually until then minute, Presnyakov Jr. broke up with their wife, Kazakh Aida Kalieva, whom he satisfied for around cuatro decades plus recommended so you can the lady.

Presnyakov and you will Krasnova fulfilled a long time before the connection began: the newest dachas off Alena and you may Nikita’s moms and dads try regional, so the young often crossed paths from a young age.

Upcoming Nikita informed journalists one Alena does not have attitude to have him and will not need certainly to torment the latest artist with incorrect dreams. not, soon after you to definitely, the fresh artist searched during the kissbrides.com site dominant Krasnova’s graduation baseball, and you may Alena, subsequently, started to sit-in incidents where Presnyakov Jr. and his mothers participated.

Inside , Presnyakov advised to help you their dear. During the time, the students somebody already stayed in our house where in fact the artist spent their young people – in the town off Malaye Berezhki close Moscow.

Toward , 26-year-old Nikita and you can 20-year-dated Krasnova got married. The holiday occured when you look at the a deluxe home close Moscow. The brand new bride to be featured until the tourist inside the a bloated fabric top that have uncovered arms, and you will Presnyakov chosen a vintage tuxedo.

The wedding, which Kristina Orbakaite planned at the her very own costs, ended up being magnificent: the latest area is actually decorated having a huge selection of fresh vegetation, plus the birthday pie by yourself pricing dos mil rubles. Throughout the 2 hundred subscribers went to the wedding, plus of a lot celebs – Valentin Yudashkin, Alexander Buinov, Philip Kirkorov, Dmitry Koldun. Aforementioned exhibited the students having a motorcycle, about what Presnyakov Jr. rode best from inside the enjoy.

The fresh new artist’s grandmother Alla Pugacheva and you will Nikita’s moms and dads provided this new newly weds a condo for the Lubyanka having sixty billion rubles and you will a land into the Malaye Berezhki. The artist’s mother and you can grandma congratulated the students with a tune, and the UmaTurman group and Todes let you know ballet and performed within matrimony.

Nikita Presnyakov and you will Alena Krasous pair for the Russian let you know organization. Even though initial Alena had nothing to do with the realm of stars, through this lady picked one to, the woman turned a hugely popular and you can talked about person in new push. In this article, we shall attempt to reveal the relationship between partners, and have now inform you the trick of whom Alena’s moms and dads are.

Just before i explore Alena Krasnova (whoever child is it, and how the young individuals fulfilled), why don’t we contemplate just what fans and you will fans out-of Nikita Presnyakov discover regarding his biography.

The young boy try fortunate are produced when you look at the a celebrity family relations. His mothers is Kristina Orbakaite and Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Nikita grew up in 1991 during the London.

The new child are engrossed in a creative atmosphere out-of early childhood. However was capable discover himself regarding music profession as a result of his eminent relatives. When Nikita grew up, he ultimately noticed that the guy don’t need certainly to affiliate their field just with sounds.

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