What is functional testing? Types and real-life examples

One of the primary reasons for this high attrition rate is the presence of bugs and issues within the app, which could have been avoided with a robust testing strategy. By implementing thorough functional testing and non-functional testing, app developers can ensure a smoother user experience and reduce the likelihood of losing users. Developers must ensure that functional testing is performed on the specific code that affects them.

In some cases, the system might crash and yet still pass the test case you’re working on, for example, if the system withstands the required amount of stress or traffic before crashing. ● Manual testing can be used to carry out system testing in scenarios where it’s impossible to automate. Peer-reviewing test cases ensure that they’re clear enough to be followed by a third-party tester and do not include any ambiguities or mistakes that could lead to improper testing. For each test case, outline the result that should occur if the software is working as expected. The ideal testing environment allows you to test every element that you need on the correct devices.

Manual or automated non-functional tests?

Improves and expands your understanding of product behavior and technology. Functional Testing tests the ease with which a user may engage with a system to learn, operate, and prepare inputs and outputs. Stability Testing verifies the degree to which a user may rely on a system when it is in use. The system is protected from purposeful and unexpected assaults from both internal and external sources. Windows formats, Developer Express, Syncfusion, Qt, Infragistics, Telerik, MFC, and other features and methodologies are used to thoroughly test third-party control software.

What is non-functional testing technique

Non-functional testing, on the other hand, assesses broader aspects of the application beyond individual functions. It evaluates performance, usability, security, compatibility, and accessibility across the entire system or application. By thoroughly testing these aspects, developers can deliver a high-quality application that provides a positive user experience, addresses potential issues, and meets the needs of a diverse user base. Functional testing is a process of evaluating the behavior, features, and functionality of an application to ensure that it works as intended. The primary goal of functional testing is to validate that each function of the application performs correctly according to the specified requirements. This type of testing focuses on user-friendliness and ensuring that the application meets the expectations of its intended users.

Test cases for non-functional testing

Each of these test approaches targets different aspects of the software. There are so many kinds of non-functional tests available that it becomes difficult to choose which to perform. However, there are some parameters that are mainly tested in non-functional testing. Apart from these, you can perform accountability testing, recovery testing, documentation testing, volume testing, endurance testing, and many more types of non-functional testing. Load testing checks if the software can handle the specified workload efficiently in a real working environment. When discussing non-functional testing, the first test that comes to mind is performance testing.

  • You can use volume tests to check if there’s any data loss, warning or error messages, or data storage issues when massive amounts of data are added to the product.
  • Apart from major functionalities, functional testing also focuses on testing the basic usability and end-user perspective of the software.
  • Non-functional testing comprises the behaviour aspect of the system, i.e., performance, stress, etc.
  • It is performed to verify and check the compatibility of a website or product with various artifacts, such as hardware platforms, customers, browsers, and operating systems.

Both functional and non-functional testing are important types of software testing that can help testers and QA teams to assess whether an application meets its current requirements. Test execution is the next phase https://www.globalcloudteam.com/glossary/non-functional-testing/ of the non-functional testing life cycle. It involves executing the test cases created previously to test different aspects of software applications including security, loading times, capacity, and portability.

Upgrade and Installation Tests

This makes it easier to manage the workload of non-functional testing and to ensure that experienced testers are responsible for maintaining the quality and effectiveness of the tests that you conduct. Non-functional testing can reveal a lot of bugs and defects that aren’t as easy to find as those identified in functional testing. When you’re choosing between different non-functional testing techniques, you’ll have to decide whether you want to carry out manual or automated non-functional tests. For each test case, recommend the type of testing techniques and non-functional testing tools that you think the tester should employ during testing.

What is non-functional testing technique

When using automated testing methods, testers can conduct tests in the background while getting on with other tasks, once the automated tests have been initiated. Once the test environment is ready, it’s time to execute non-functional tests. You may decide to execute tests in order of type, for example starting with performance testing before moving on to security tests and other types of non-functional tests.


Non-functional testing refers to software testing that is carried out to test the non-functional aspects of a software application. Functional testing is often expensive to write and maintain and slow to execute. Many developers rely most heavily on unit tests, because they aid test-driven development and often lead to self-documenting code. These tests are quick to execute and easy to modify when the code requirements change.

What is non-functional testing technique

Any new change or feature added to the software can wreck its existing functionalities. Regression testing is performed every time alterations are made to check for the software’s stability and functionalities. Due to its work-intensive nature, regression testing is often automated. However, there are many types https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ of functional and non-functional tests available to choose from. For choosing the right testing technique, you must know the differences between functional testing vs non-functional testing. Both functional and non-functional testing is extremely crucial for ensuring the performance and quality of software.

Ensure that the software meets user needs

It offers enhanced integration and easy, more flexible burst licensing options with qTest, Tosca, and Dynatrance. NeoLoad has easy-to-setup testing resources as required and free up resources automatically as tests complete. It’s a performance testing tool for all team members from the center of excellence to DevOps organizations. Stress testing is a type of non-functional testing that tests how well the software performs when it’s put under abnormal amounts of stress.

What is non-functional testing technique

It’s possible to break the testing process down into small chunks to make it easier to follow for beginners in non-functional testing. You can’t perform non-functional testing on software components if they’re not functional. Before you can execute non-functional tests, you’ll need to create test cases. Each test case outlines a specific thing that you’re going to test, explains how you’re going to test it, and describes the expected result of the test. Volume testing is a type of testing that exists to verify what happens when large volumes of data are added to the database at once.

Integration Testing

The testing is done via investigating system architecture and the mindset of an attacker. Test cases are conducted by finding areas of code where an attack is most likely to happen. The most neutral approach to testing choices includes a comprehensive mix of functional and non-functional testing. Many developers follow the “testing pyramid,” which guides them to write the bulk of their tests as unit tests, since they are quick to write and execute.

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