Rom and you will Leeta was hitched later around 2373, in a service performed by Chief Benjamin Sisko

Rom and you will Leeta was hitched later around 2373, in a service performed by Chief Benjamin Sisko

Rom stayed agreeable Deep space 9 during the Dominion handle, returning to work on Quark’s. The guy later entered Kira Nerys and Jake Sisko in a resistance way against the Dominion. (DS9 attacks: “Behind brand new Traces”, “Prefer the newest Bold”, “Give up out of Angels”)

Rom joined up with new Niners basketball cluster, whether or not he was slashed because of the Chief Sisko when he ended up not to get a beneficial member. When Rom is reinstated, he managed to help the cluster get. (DS9 episode: “Need Me personally Over to this new Holosuite”)

Huge Nagus [ ]

In the 2375, Grand Nagus Zek, who was simply romantically related to Rom’s mom Ishka, appointed Rom his replacement given that Huge Nagus in trust one to he would remain the new reforms one Zek had began. (DS9 episode: “Brand new Pets out of Combat”)

At their farewell class towards Deep-space nine, Rom paid for the latest design that were made use of. (DS9 book: Avatar, Publication You to)

Regarding 2376, the latest Nagal House try invaded by marauding Orions who had used a portal and also make a strike towards the Ferenginar. Rom later on provided an excellent Ferengi ship towards the Alpha/Beta Alliance; initiated from the Federation to discuss into Iconians (whom turned out to be the newest Petraw – creating an intricate deception). (TNG – Gateways novel: Doors With the A mess)

Two months after, Rom are almost pressed out-of-office when many preferred businessmen opposed to Rom and you will Zek’s continued reforms — along with Brunt, now a person in the economical Congress from Advisers of Ferengi Alliance — made an effort to forge an incorrect backup away from Rom’s relationships deal with the brand new Ferengi lady Prinadora, Nog’s mother. Scandal engulfed this new Nagus because is actually considered that new contract was not a simple eight-seasons one, but the one that survived in perpetuity, and make Rom’s y term. Thankfully, Ambassador Quark and you will Starfleet Lieutenant Ro Laren, employed in conjunction that have Nog or any other Rom supporters, proved this new file an excellent forgery. You to week, Rom and you can Leeta’s girl, Bena, came into this world. (DS9 – Worlds off Deep-space Nine novella: Ferenginar: Fulfillment isn’t Protected)

In the 2381, Rom acknowledged an invitation to join brand new Khitomer Accords responding for the recently formed Typhon Pact (ST book: A singular Future)

From inside the 2383, Rom performed the fresh Service out of Temporal Analysis a beneficial solution from the attracting toward his own chance to acquire an old but practical vortex manipulator found and you can auctioned from the Redheri bartering they to new Federation in exchange for change concessions, effortlessly therefore it is a donation. Along with his very own experience out-of temporary displacement leaving your sympathetic to the fresh new DTI’s specifications, next year in the Rom’s behest the Ferengi Alliance was in the entire process of creating an excellent nascent temporary government department. (DTI ebook: Brand new Loan companies)

Inside August 2385, Rom, followed by Leeta, attended the hole ceremony of your own second Deep-space 9 with each other with many different other attendees, and most other people in politics. Sadly, he had been among to witness the newest assassination regarding Federation Chairman Nanietta Bacco. (ST – The latest Fall unique: Disclosure and you may Dirt)

Of the early 25th millennium, Rom and you will Leeta had a child at the very least another girl together with her. (ENT novel: The nice One Guys Carry out)

Alternate timelines [ ]

In a unique timeline where in fact the Cardassian Union don’t withdraw off Bajor for the 2369, Rom ordered the fresh club with the Terok Neither off Quark before 2373. His sister was able to reach their a lot of time held aspiration from buying a moonlight as he is repaid from the Detapa Council to russian women interracial relationships store both the advancement of your own Bajoran wormhole plus the lifetime of one’s Dominion a secret. (TNG – Myriad Galaxies unique: A good Gutted Community)

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