In addition to Pharaoh’s dmon, Edom, Sidon, and you may regarding among the Hittites

In addition to Pharaoh’s dmon, Edom, Sidon, and you may regarding among the Hittites

eleven Today Queen Solomon liked of many foreign lady. 2 The lord got obviously trained people out of Israel, “You should not wed him or her, because they commonly change your own hearts on the gods.” But really Solomon insisted to your loving them anyway. 3 He previously 700 wives off royal beginning and you may 3 hundred concubines. Plus in facts, it did turn his cardio away from the Lord .


cuatro For the Solomon’s old-age, it turned his cardiovascular system in order to praise most other gods in the place of are entirely dedicated into the Lord his God, since his dad, David, got. 5 Solomon worshiped Ashtoreth, the latest goddess of your Sidonians, and you will Molech, [a] the newest detestable jesus of your Ammonites. 6 Such as this, Solomon did that was worst regarding the Lord is why sight; the guy would not proceed with the Lord totally, once the their father, David, got over.

7 Toward Mount of Olives, eastern out of Jerusalem, [b] the guy even built a pagan shrine getting Chemosh, the brand new detestable jesus out-of Moab, and one for Molech, the latest detestable goodness of the Ammonites. 8 Solomon oriented eg shrines for all their overseas spouses to help you explore having consuming incense and you will compromising to their gods.

nine God was really frustrated with Solomon, for his cardiovascular system got turned off the Lord , the brand new Goodness out-of Israel, that has appeared to him twice. ten He had warned Solomon especially on worshiping most other gods, however, Solomon don’t tune in to god is the reason demand. eleven Now the lord thought to him, “As you have maybe not leftover my personal covenant and also have disobeyed my decrees, I can certainly rip this new empire away from you and provide it to one of one’s servants. a dozen However for this new purpose of your own dad, David, I won’t do this when you find yourself nevertheless real time. I’m able to take the kingdom away from your boy. 13 And also very, I will not eliminate the whole kingdom; I am able to let him end up being king of just one group, in the interest of my servant David and for the benefit from Jerusalem, my picked area.”

Solomon’s Foes

fourteen Then Lord raised up Hadad the fresh Edomite, a person in Edom’s royal family relations, is Solomon’s challenger. fifteen years prior to, David had outdone Edom. Joab, his army commander, got existed to bury a number of the Israelite troops who had passed away inside the competition. While truth be told there, they slain most of the men from inside the Edom. sixteen Joab and also the military out of Israel got resided indeed there to possess half a year, destroying them.

17 However, Hadad and some out-of their dad’s royal authorities escaped and went having Egypt. (Hadad was just a guy during the time.) 18 They establish from Midian and you will visited Paran, in which others entered him or her. They traveled to Egypt and went along to Pharaoh, whom gave them a property, food, and several homes. 19 Pharaoh became most partial to Hadad, and then he offered him his wife’s aunt in marriage-the new sister away from Queen Tahpenes. 20 She bore your a child named Genubath. Tahpenes increased him [c] in the Pharaoh’s palace among Pharaoh’s very own sons.

21 In the event the development achieved Hadad when you look at the Egypt one to David and you may their leader Joab were one another dead, he considered Pharaoh, “Allow me to come back to my varme Koreansk kvinner own country.”

23 Jesus and increased upwards Rezon boy regarding Eliada because Solomon’s enemy. Rezon had fled out-of their master, Queen Hadadezer off Zobah, twenty four together with end up being the frontrunner out-of a gang off rebels. Just after David beat Hadadezer, Rezon along with his boys escaped to Damascus, where he turned into queen. twenty-five Rezon was Israel’s sour enemy for the remainder of Solomon’s leadership, and he generated problems, exactly as Hadad did. Rezon hated Israel extremely and you may proceeded to rule during the Aram.

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